This project involved the removal and replacement of a tank located in a bustling hospital parking lot. The task was complicated as the fill and vent lines extended across the main driveway leading to the hospital. To remove the tank, we had to carefully hammer the top of the vault it was housed in. Subsequently, we thoroughly cleaned the interior of the vault using suitable cleaners and efficiently removed the water with the help of a vac truck.
In place of the old tank, we installed a new, state-of-the-art dual compartment 10K Gallon tank. This tank serves as a backup power source in case of power outages. We connected the fill and vent lines from the new tank to the building, ensuring a smooth link to the furnace and standby generator. To complete the installation, we surrounded the new tank with certified clean pea gravel, and then diligently restored the parking lot and asphalt driveway to their original condition.
This entire project was executed over a period of a few weeks, during which we served as a subcontractor for the LSRP, managing the task with utmost professionalism and efficiency.