Oil Water Separator Removal

Auto Dealership Oil Water Separator Removal

We were contacted by an environmental engineering company about a job they had scheduled out of state for one of their best customers and the contractor contracted to do the project unexpectedly went out of business.
They asked if we would be able to step in and handle the project and we agreed to do it.
We arrived at what had previously been a car dealership and set about removing a couple of oil/water separators that first had to be pumped out, we dug out approximately 75 tons of contaminated soil and the contaminated concrete the oil/water separators were made out of, obtained approval into a nearby landfill and had the soil and concrete materials trucked out.
We also cleaned and filled in a few hundred feet of trench drains inside the building with stone and concrete.
While we were on site working the environmental representative that had hired us and was overseeing the project discovered several deteriorating totes of various sizes filled with various oil liquids and a 6,000 gallon above ground tank behind the building.  We purchased some new totes and transferred all of the liquids out of the existing totes into the new totes and had a disposal transportation company come pick them up and bring all of them to a disposal facility.
Samples are going to be taken out of the large above ground tank to determine if the contents are hazardous or not and then it will be pumped out and brought to the proper disposal facility.
Despite a few hiccups along the way, a couple unexpected extras and being out of state in unfamiliar territory, the job was able to get finished a day earlier than expected.
When you need a company that can get it done, call us.  We answer the phone.

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Deisel Tanks

Diesel tank removal and installation Newark, DE

We were contacted by an LSRP that has a nationwide client with a corporate campus in Newark, DE that needed 2 Diesel tanks removed. One tank turned into a 1,000