Oil Water Separator Replacement

Steps in removing and replacing oil water separator

An environmental firm reached out to us regarding a client facing issues with an aging oil water separator that was no longer functioning properly. The failing unit required removal and replacement to ensure compliance and operational efficiency. After assessing the situation, a new oil water separator was carefully specified to meet the site’s needs, and all necessary permits were secured to proceed with the project. 

The process began with the removal of the outdated separator, which involved excavating the area and installing shoring to stabilize the site. Once the excavation was deemed safe for entry, the team proceeded with the installation of the new oil water separator, ensuring it was properly aligned and connected. Following the successful installation, thorough inspections were conducted to verify compliance with regulations and the system’s functionality. With approvals in hand, the shoring was dismantled, and the excavation was backfilled with appropriate materials to restore the site’s integrity. 

Finally, the asphalt in the parking lot, which had been removed at the project’s outset to access the separator, was expertly replaced, blending seamlessly with the surrounding pavement. The project was completed efficiently, leaving the client with a fully operational and updated oil water separator system, ready to handle their environmental needs.

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